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Wet dog food with the best ingredients

Wet dog food

Wet dog food.

This is our category of wet food for your dog - Highest Quality and Exceptional Taste

At we value not only health, but also the culinary preferences of your beloved dog. Our wet dog food category is a real feast of flavors and quality that will satisfy even the most demanding palates. We offer our customers only selected and top-quality wet food that guarantees the health and satisfaction of your four-legged friend.

What makes our offer unique:

Top Food Brands: Our wet food category is home to top brands such as Prince, Dogz Finefood, Smart Nature, Brit and Canagan. All of these brands have a reputation for providing only the highest quality dog foods.

High Meat Content: Our wet foods are characterized by a high content of a unique type of meat, which provides valuable proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for the healthy development and functioning of your pet.

Hypoallergenic and Grain Free: We realize that some dogs may be sensitive to food allergies. That's why our offer also includes hypoallergenic mono-protein foods that eliminate potential allergens, and grain-free foods that are easier on the digestive system.

No Preservatives: We are committed to providing healthy nutrition for your dog. That's why our wet foods do not contain artificial preservatives or artificial colors, which makes them more natural and healthier.

Variety of Flavors: We offer a wide selection of flavors and compositions, so you can adapt the food to your dog's individual preferences and needs.

Health Support: Not only do our wet foods taste great, but they also support your dog's health and fitness by providing him with essential nutrients.

We ensure that our offer of wet dog food will meet the expectations of even the most demanding owners. At, we focus on quality, taste and health so that your dog can enjoy life to the fullest. By choosing wet food from our category, you offer your dog a unique treat that brings joy and health every day.

Active filters

  • Special needs of the dog: high meat content
  • The consistency of the food: Meat fillets