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A comprehensive formula based on the unique yeast Yarrowia lipolytica and chlorella to support proper digestion in cats.
Canifelox Gastro Cat supplement for cats
A comprehensive formula based on the unique yeast Yarrowia lipolytica and chlorella to support proper digestion in cats.
Supplementary food for cats based on the unique Yarrowia lipolytica yeast with 4 strains of probiotic bacteria and chlorella is an excellent synbiotic that promotes the multiplication of beneficial intestinal microflora.
✅ development of beneficial intestinal microflora
✅ support for proper digestion
✅ stimulation of the immune system
Yarrowia lipolytica yeast is an excellent prebiotic that improves digestion and absorption of nutrients and has a beneficial effect on the flora of the gastrointestinal tract (including reducing the number of diarrheas and preventing their occurrence).
Yarrowia lipolytica yeast contains beta-glucans and mannans in its walls - compounds that strongly stimulate the immune system.
Chlorella has properties that cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals, and supports the body's natural defense and regenerative abilities.
Development of beneficial intestinal microflora, support for proper digestion, stimulation of the immune system
It is an excellent prebiotic that supports the development of proper intestinal microflora. Maintaining a healthy microbiome contributes to the proper functioning of the entire body. In addition, Yarrowia lipolytica is a source of gluten-free protein with a unique amino acid composition, an active complex of B vitamins, E, C and D, unsaturated fatty acids and mannans and glucans - compounds that strongly stimulate the immune system. It's also a full range of micros [1] and macroelements in the form of the so-called biocomplexes that are better absorbed by the body.
Yarrowia lipolytica is a fully natural, complete treasure trove of nutrients, without genetic modifications.
A specially developed formula ensures that the proper proportion of omega 3 to omega 6 acids is maintained, and additionally, the form of fatty acid esters is characterized by high bioretention, which guarantees the highest effectiveness and prevents premature excretion from the body. In addition, fatty acids are 100% in the form of health-promoting CIS isomers. The patented, unique production process ensures the isolation of the purest, concentrated form of omega 3,6,9 acids, which are completely free of toxicity and any contamination. The entire production process is carried out without access to atmospheric oxygen, under the highest aseptic conditions.
Form of administration: powder Supplementary food is recommended for adult cats with digestive tract disorders.
Additionally, the preparation has properties that neutralize unpleasant odors on the skin and in the mouth.
Białko surowe 50,46%, Tłuszcz surowy 10,12%, Włókno surowe 6,80%, Sucha masa 97%, Popiół surowy 12%.
Makroelementy: [w 1 kg] Wapń 1,00 g, Fosfor 18,00 g, Magnez 1,36 g, Sód 11,86 g, Potas 13,92 g.
Mikroelementy: [w 1 kg] Żelazo 299,40 mg, Miedź 22,70 mg, Cynk 192,40 mg, Mangan 16,96 mg, Jod 0,02 mg.
Składniki bioaktywne: [w 1 kg] Beta-1,3-glukan 272,80 mg, Karotenoidy 1566 mg, Chlorofil 7,40 g.
Aminokwasy: [w 1 kg] Lizyna 26,96 g, Metionina 7,22 g, Treonina 17,00 g, Cystyna 5,50 g, Seryna 13,22 g, Prolina 17,02 g, Glicyna 19,76 g, Alanina 31,62 g, Walina 23,48 g, Leucyna 30,94 g, Tyrozyna 28,44 g, Fenyloalanina 17,18 g, Histydyna 8,66 g, Arginina 19,84 g, Kwas asparaginowy 36,04 g, Kwas glutaminowy 48,80 g.
Witaminy: [w 1 kg] B1 (tiamina) 0,80 mg, B2 (ryboflawina) 28,90 mg, B3 (niacyna) 186,80 mg, B4 (cholina) 3840 mg, B5 (kwas pantotenowy) 84 mg, B6 (pirydoksyna) 2,56 mg, B7 (biotyna) 1704 mcg, B9 (kwas foliowy) 6,01 mg, B12 (cyjanokobalamina) 114,40 mcg, C (kwas askorbinowy) 222 mg, D2 (ergokalcyferol) 65,91 mcg, D3 (cholekalcyferol) 49,90 mcg, E (tokoferol) 22,58 mg.