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dry food for adult dogs and puppies of medium and large breeds with lamb and sweet potatoes, 4 kg, grain-free and chicken-free
Prince Taste of Nature is a complete dog food without GMOs and grains.
Prince Taste of Nature dry food prepared to provide the healthiest, biologically appropriate meal for your dog. We produce them from the highest quality ingredients. In Prince food, we always use the best quality meats, vegetables, fruits and herbal mixtures to provide your dog with a natural meal tailored to their unique nutritional needs.
The best quality dry food will have a beneficial effect on the dog's condition and health.
Prince Taste of Nature is:
✅ healthy joints, skeletal and muscular systems
✅ tastiness and high digestibility, good for the digestive system
✅ anti-allergic, healthy skin and fur
✅ supports dogs' immune system
✅ slowing down the aging process
✅ beneficial effect on the liver and reduction of the smell of feces
The protein source in Prince Ultra Premium Taste of Nature dog food is a combination of fresh meat, dehydrated meat and protein hydrolyzate from the most valuable meat species such as bison, lamb or turkey. We never use poor quality raw materials to produce our food.
Hydrolysis is a process in which proteins are divided into smaller parts using water, thanks to which they are even better absorbed by the body.
Dehydration, or drying, is one of the oldest methods of protecting food ingredients. By getting rid of water, we preserve the meat, protecting it against the development of microorganisms that adversely affect its quality. To sum up, we select the best quality meat and dehydrate it, obtaining a concentrated source of healthy meat proteins.
Taste of Nature does not contain any semi-finished products of animal origin, the best meat ingredients from muscles and heart are used to create the food. The fat we use in our food comes from chicken, it is one of the best quality fats on the market, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. We do not use pork fat or low-quality vegetable fats.
Lamb meat has high nutritional value and high protein content. It is also a source of essential unsaturated fatty acids, including the important fatty acid L
inolowego. Zawarte w jagnięcinie składniki mineralne zapobiegają stresowi oksydacyjnemu, co ma korzystny wpływ na zmniejszenie ryzyka chorób układu krążenia.
Dostępne opakowania 4kg i 12kg, zawierają granulki o średnicy 13mm.
dehydratyzowane jagnięcina, świeża jagnięcina, bataty, groszek, białko ziemniaczane, tłuszcz zwierzęcy, suszone płatki ziemniaczane, groch łuskany, pulpa buraczana, sos warzywny, nasiona lnu, mączka z chleba świętojańskiego, witaminy i minerały, olej ze świeżego łososia, suszona cykoria (naturalne źródło FOS oraz inuliny), suszone marchewki, suszone jabłka, glukozamina, chondroityna, mono-oligosacharydy (MOS), ekstrakty roślinne (rozmaryn, kurkuma, winogrona, jagody czapetki, Yucca Schidigera).
Skład analityczny/kg:
Białko 26% Tłuszcz 14% Popiół 9,3% Włókno 4,6% Wilgotność 8 % Wapń 1,9% Fosfor 1,2%
Energia metaboliczna: 3,430 kcal/kg
Witaminy i mikroelementy:
Witamina A 24,000 UI
Witamina D3 2,000 UI
Witamina E, alfa-tocopherol 500mg
Żelazo 90mg
Miedź 13mg
Cynk 100mg
Magnez 40mg
Jod 1,5mg
Selen 0,2mg